Bazooka 100ml


Bazooka, a prominent American manufacturer of e-liquids, takes great pride in the exceptional quality of its products. Even the most seasoned vapers are left impressed by their offerings. The company utilizes only the finest ingredients in the creation of its e-juice, ensuring a rich and pure flavor profile. Additionally, Bazooka E-liquid promises a smooth vaping experience on both inhalation and exhalation, free from any harshness.

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Bazooka, a prominent American manufacturer of e-liquids, takes great pride in the exceptional quality of its products. Even the most seasoned vapers are left impressed by their offerings. The company utilizes only the finest ingredients in the creation of its e-juice, ensuring a rich and pure flavor profile. Additionally, Bazooka E-liquid promises a smooth vaping experience on both inhalation and exhalation, free from any harshness.

Bazooka! Sour Straws represents a collection of high-quality e-liquids developed by the makers of the well-known KILO E-Liquid series. If you recall the chewy sour straws from your childhood, you are in for a delightful experience, as Bazooka! offers a selection of candy-flavoured e-liquids that capture the essence of these nostalgic sweets.


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Rainbow, Pineapple Peach, Mango, Blur Raspberry

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